Blake Escritt

As a business owner, I understand that employers want a low-maintenance, high-initiative leader that gets results.

You also want a leader who:

I am that leader.


Born in 1989, Blake is a highly adaptable entrepreneur.  His core values are freedom, personal growth, and privacy.

He prefers to keep himself busy at home and work, able to hold down a full-time wage job while and his part time entrepreneurial passion as a computer guru for the  small town of Independence Kansas, a homeowner who performs most of his own repairs and maintenance, and a  proud parent of a teenage autistic savant.

He hasn't owned and regularly watched a television since 2001, though he's no luddite.   The average American consumes 4 hours of television per day.   Blake uses this time to work on himself and his passions instead.  He listens to audiobooks continually, keeps a large library of roughly 70% non-fiction and 30% fiction, and reads whitepapers for fun.

He is currently  member and financial contributor to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a lifetime Member of American Mensa, and an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church.

Though he dives deep into his own , frequently technological interests, he is not a nerd.  He can hold his own in conversations and get the other party talking excitedly about their own passions. 

Career Desires

Blake will entertain wage offers of no less than $30/hr for the right team.    He will only entertain contracts that align with his vision and personal ethics.

Though located in the small city of Independence in Rural Kansas, Blake is willing  and able to relocate or work remotely for an ideal opportunity.

The right team will embrace innovation, have a history of growing in response to challenges,  have an understanding of business ethics, and be positioned to leverage the latest trends in technology. 

For a non-exhaustive list of positions I would be successful and engaged in, click the button below.